Proof of Excellence
NABH Accreditation
NABH is a constituent board of Quality Council of India, set up to establish and operate accreditation programmes for healthcare organizations. NABH is an institutional member as well as a board member of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) and the hospitals accredited by NABH get international recognition. NABH is the highest benchmark standard for hospital quality in India. Standards of NABH were developed by the Quality Council of India initially on the lines of International Accreditation Standards like the JCI, ACHS and the Canadian Hospital Accreditation Standards. The Full NABH standards have since then undergone 5 revisions and is now seen as an advanced and very practical set of Standards and relevant to India’s unique healthcare system requirements.
There are mainly two versions of the standards for hospitals: the full NABH, suitable for large speciality and tertiary care-level hospitals, and entry-level NABH, meant mainly for smaller hospitals who were finding it difficult to comply with the more stringent requirements of the Full NABH.
Supercare Hospital received the NABH Entry Level certification in October 2021 which is valid up to Oct 2023.
We secured the full NABH accreditation on 29 September 2022. This certification is valid up to 30 September, 2026.
Supercare Hospital is the first hospital in Meghalaya to get full NABH accreditation
Patients are the biggest beneficiaries from both the full NABH accreditation and the entry-level certification, as it results in a high quality of care and patient safety. Patients are served by credential medical staff. The rights of patients are respected and protected. Patient satisfaction is regularly evaluated.
For more details on NABH, please click on

NABH Certification for Emergency Department
The Emergency Department of Supercare Hospital was granted NABH Certification in Dec 2022 making it the first and only hospital in Meghalaya to get NABH quality recognition for its Emergency Department and also the second hospital in the entire North-eastern region to achieve this feat.
Supercare received the NABH Certification for its Emergency Department on 15 December 2022. This certification is valid up to 14 December 2024.
The Standards for Emergency Certification provide the framework for quality care and patient safety to patients admitted to the Emergency Department. These standards help an organization maintain continuous quality improvement. They aim at setting expectations for the provision of equitable, safe, and high-quality emergency care, thereby ensuring top-notch clinical outcomes.

NABH Nursing Excellence Certification
The NABH nursing excellence standards set by the NABH establish comprehensive guidelines for assessing the nursing services offered by healthcare organizations. The certification, encompassing 7 key chapters, establishes comprehensive standards for evaluating nursing services and promoting continuous quality enhancement in safe, competent, and ethical care. It also helps regulate, guide, and promote professional nursing practice and offers guidelines to nurse administrators and supervisors in supporting and facilitating top-tier patient care.
After a rigorous inspection process to validate 48 quality standards involving 216 different objective elements, Supercare Hospital was granted the Nursing Excellence Certification on 13 June 2023 which is valid till 12 June 2025.
Shillong’s Supercare Hospital has achieved a notable milestone as the first healthcare institution in Northeast India to be awarded the prestigious NABH Certification for Nursing Excellence.

ISO Certification
The International Organization for Standardization is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations. Founded on 23 February 1947, the organization develops and publishes worldwide technical, industrial and commercial standards. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and works in 166 countries.
ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard dedicated to Quality Management Systems (QMS). It outlines a framework for improving quality and a vocabulary of understanding for any organization looking to provide products and services that consistently meet the requirements and expectations of customers and other relevant interested parties in the most efficient manner possible. ISO performs systematic reviews every 3-5 years to keep these standards up-to-date. First published in 1987, the latest iteration ISO 9001:2015 replaces ISO 9001:2008
Supercare Hospital was assessed in November 2018 and subsequently in 2021 and found to comply with requirements of ISO 9001:2015
For more details on ISO, please click on